Pathfinder K-8

Student Family Portal
Supply Lists

Fox (3-5 Distinct)

Fox (3-5 Distinct) Supplies

All Grades/Classes

  • 2 reams 8.5×11 20lb bond white copy paper

FOX (3-5 Distinct) Supplies

  • 3 containers baby wipes
  • 2 bottles hand sanitizer
  • 2 boxes facial tissue
  • 5 glue sticks
  • 2 box colored markers
  • Snacks that your child likes
  • 1 set of extra clothes (**2 sets for children with toileting needs, including socks and 1 pair shoes)
  • Swimming: Swimsuits, towel (optional: goggles, fins, swim cap, swim diapers if not toilet trained)
  • 1 box sandwich, 1 box gallon Ziplock bags