About Pathfinder K-8 School
Our Vision, Mission, and Beliefs
Our Vision
The Pathfinder K-8 community envisions a school in which students are empowered to be inquisitive and versatile thinkers who value diversity, pursue their passions, reach their potential and become advocates for our world.
Our Mission
Pathfinder K-8 is a diverse and inclusive community where students are engaged in learning both inside and outside the classroom. We support the intellectual, social, emotional, creative and physical growth of all our children. We teach our students to recognize and value their own individual skills and unique intelligence, as well as those of others.
Our Beliefs
We believe…
- Pathfinder K-8 is a welcoming, accepting, and inclusive school community where teaching kindness, empathy, compassion, and respect create a safe and supportive learning environment.
- High academic and behavioral standards are essential elements in the development and success of each student. While striving for educational excellence, Pathfinder K-8 is committed to the whole child, utilizing progressive and alternative methods.
- Our school community is strengthened and deeper learning is fostered when parents and community members are actively welcomed and involved in the academic, social, emotional, creative, and physical development of each child.
- Inclusive opportunities for students of all ability levels cultivate acceptance, compassion and the development of diverse relationships.
- Genuine relationships with teachers are essential for student development, engagement, motivation and academic success.
- Learning expeditions are powerful because they provide students with integrated, authentic learning opportunities.
- Integrated field experiences enhance each child’s education and build a strong community.
- High quality instruction must address the fact that all students are unique in their learning styles and development.
- A dynamic art, language, music, and physical education program is an essential part of a K-8 education.
- Students thrive in a school culture that nourishes and sustains their intrinsic motivation to learn.
- Our students are best served when teachers have the freedom to create curriculum that is responsive to students’ needs, interest and passions.
- The thoughtful integration of technology enhances learning and prepares students for the future.
A 2014 Washington State School of Distinction
The Pathfinder K-8 community envisions a school in which students are empowered to be inquisitive and versatile thinkers who value diversity, pursue their passions, reach their potential, and become advocates for our world.
Dr. Britney Holmes, Principal bdholmes@seattleschools.org
Ellen Want, Assistant Principal emwant@seattleschools.org
Pathfinder Programs
Specialist Programs
Physical Education, Library, Art, and Instrumental Music
PTSA After-School Activities
Unicycle, K-8 expanded after-school enrichment program (features 3-5 class choices each day, with new courses over three terms).
In Middle School we offer sports: volleyball, ultimate frisbee, middle school girls’ and boys’ soccer, basketball and track.
Blazing Trails
Blazing Trails is an onsite non-profit that provides childcare before and after school to children through 12 years old.
What makes our school unique?

Pathfinder was founded by cooperative preschool parents in 1992 to give West Seattle residents an alternative school option. Our parents continue to take an active role in and out of our classrooms.
- family involvement
- onsite childcare
- community events
- active PTSA
At Pathfinder we learn the same subjects, work on the same state standards and build the same solid academic foundation as all other Seattle Public Schools.
Pathfinder students develop a passion for learning while striving to understand and internalize information. Our students develop strong critical thinking skills, learn to ask meaningful questions and search for their own answers. Experience and experimentation is vital in every subject; we use hands on materials and project-based learning. Everyone has something to contribute and addressing individual differences increases the creativity, learning and richness of the classroom environment. Our students share what they are learning by teaching one another and the community.
Kindergarten through 8th Grade Education
This small learning community is a public school choice for all of West Seattle. Strong student-teacher relationships are developed in all classrooms. Our classroom design includes:
- K-5 grade looping (students stay with the same teacher for two years)
- 6th, 7th and 8th grade core teams
Whole-Child Emphasis
At Pathfinder K-8 we support the development of the whole child. We do this by empowering children to recognize their own passions and gifts, build their capacity to be self aware learners, and to appreciate the similarities and differences of others. Students’ problem-solving abilities and social/emotional development are honed through regular class meetings, Talking Circles and social-skills training.
- promotes development of the whole child
- students become confident, inquisitive learners
- focuses on academics, physical, emotional and social growth
Outdoor Education
Every year Pathfinder K-8 students engage in outdoor education through field trips and camping. Our goal is to create camping trips that foster community, vivid nature experience, skill building and plain old fun!
- respect is fostered by outdoor experiences
- Earth Project with Nature Consortium
- Camping component at all grade levels
Creative Approach
Pathfinder K-8 was designated a Creative Approach School in 2015. Our focus is on Social and Emotional Learning.
Expeditionary Learning
At Pathfinder, teachers and students pursue long-term intellectual investigations built around significant projects and performances. The investigations take students out into the world and bring the world into the classroom. Often they provide students with opportunities to serve the wider community. The learning expedition is marked by equal attention to goals of performance and academic content mastery, as well as character and community development. Opportunities for on-going assessment are woven throughout the expedition, pushing students to higher levels of achievement.
- in depth class and field work
- centered on single guiding theme across core subjects